Alpha-Cen: Astrofísica Centroamericana y del Caribe in social networks



With the growth of astronomy in Central America and the Caribbean, a group of astronomers saw the need of creating an association of Central American astrophysicists and international collaborators with the goal supporting the development of astrophysics research in the area...



Alpha-Cen brings together people who conduct research in astrophysics with interest in the development of astrophysical research in Central America and the Caribbean. We currently have members from different countries ...


Astrophysics in Central America and the Caribbean

Upcoming astrophysics events held in the region ...


Announcements and news

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  • Costa Rica- US bridge

  • It is program established as an international network of friends, potential advisors and professional contacts for students with interests in studying postgraduate studies in astrophysics in countries outside the area. It arises with the idea of ​​expanding research opportunities in Costa Rica and has been extended to other countries in the area.

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  • Guatemalan School of Astrophysics

  • This is a guatemalan school of astrophysics that takes place every two years, where forefront topics in astrophysics are discussed. Aimed at physics or related students, it consists of a series of mini-courses given by experts from different institutions.

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  • 37th International School for Young Astronomers in Honduras

  • The 37th School for Young Astronomers was organized by the International Astronomical Union. The event was held in Honduras in 2015 and was attended by students from more than 12 countries in Latin America.