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Teaching and training:
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Goto to: Thesis , Trainee Program, Courses, Workshops.

  • Thesis and Degree's final-projects (top)

    Proof of concept model for Tsunami flood evacuation with Joshua Lemus Castillo for the Degree on Physics (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala). July 2021

    Quantum Hall Effect and a study on Topological Order in Quantum Liquids with Mariano Cap for the Degree on Physics (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala). August 2019.

    Amplification Mechanism for Electromagnetic waves at the Earth's magnotosphere with José Alejandro Franco for the Degree on Physics (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala). August 2019.

    Analytical solutions for the Heisenberg XXZ 1D model with Gonzalo Moran for the Degree on Physics (Universidad del Valle de Guatemala). May 2019.

    Berry's Phase in a Global Conformal Algebra and its isomorphism with the Thomas' Precesion with Sarai Figueroa Álvarez for the Degree on Physics (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala). May 2018.

    Irreversibility of the Renormalization Group flux in a 2D Field Theory with Benjamín Rodríguez for the Degree on Physics (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala). November 2017.

    Computational Methods based on Quantum Entanglement to study phase transitions in Quantum Spin-1/2 chains with Paola Delcompare for the Degree on Physics (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala). August 2017.

    Bethe Ansatz for the Fibonacci XX spin chain with Juan Diego Chang for the Program "Master Physique et Modélisation" (Université de Cergy-Pontoise). April 2017.

  • Trainee Program (top)

    Catalog of Solutions of the Quantum Ising Model and Heisenberg Model 1D with Carlos Enmanuel Soto López, Degree on Physics (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala).

    Physics of Plasmas with José Franco, Degree on Physics (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala).

    Physics in 1D lattices with Paola Delcompare, Degree on Physics (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala). June 2017.

  • Courses (top)

    Condensed Matter F801: July-November 2020.

    Computational Physics F811: January-May 2020.

    Condensed Matter F801: July-November 2019.

    Computational Physics F811: January-May 2019.

    Optical Physics F812: July-November 2018.

    Quantum Mechanics F703: January-May 2018.

    Computational Physics F811: July-November 2017.

    Optical Physics F812: January-May 2017.

    Condensed Matter F801: July-November 2016.

  • Short Courses and Workshops(top)

    Numerical Optimization using the Monte Carlo MethoD: May 2019.

    Simulated Annealing: May 2018.

    Introduction to Hartree-Fock: November 2017.